Saturday, August 31, 2019

Poetry Analysis: “Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God, For You” Essay

John Donne’s â€Å"Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God, For You† is an Italian sonnet written in iambic pentameter. The poem is about a man who is desperately pleading with his God to change him. He feels imprisoned by his own sinful nature and describes himself as betrothed to the â€Å"Enemy† of God, namely Satan. The speaker has a truly passionate longing to be absolutely faithful to his God, but at the same time is rendered hopeless by the reality that he cannot possibly achieve this on his own. In fact, he would have to be captured and completely made anew to ever find such faith. The entire poem is driven by this desperate longing for renewal. The speaker seems to start with a request that illustrates his despondency simply because of its harshness. (He requests to have his heart battered.-ln 1) As he continues in prayer, the character becomes more distraught. He explains his feelings of total helplessness in the simile found in line five, where he compares himself to an usurped town. By line eleven he has professed his deep-rooted love for his God and his awareness that he will never be faithful to this love unless he is torn and broken and then made new. In each breath released or word murmured by this character, the reader is perfectly aware that he is at the last of any strength he may have previously had. The speaker is quite aware that he is powerless on his own. He holds nothing back in this cry to his God for help, but instead is completely humbled by his sin. The words are full of a desperate longing to finally have a true, purely faithful love for his God. This desperation drives the entire poem from the very first word to the last. The primary technical device in this poem is the use of contradicting ideas, or paradoxes. The speaker consistently asks his God to grant him a request that can be gained only by going in what seems to be the opposite direction. He requests to be overthrown so that he may rise and stand (ln 3), and even more vividly to be ravished only so he can become chaste (ln 14). In nearly every sentence Donne writes, there is an example of such a paradox. The repetition of these opposing concepts makes the tone of desperation in the  speaker’s words easily detectable. A man has to be at his absolute end to ask that his God do more than simply seek to mend his wounds. The speaker declares in lines one and two that he would rather be battered. The fact that the voice of the speaker seems to be crying out these requests with no restraint proves that he is completely consumed by this need for the resulting faithfulness that is ensured. The words of the poem are harsh and severe. Their hard sound allows the reader to truly understand how weak and wounded the speaker feels. An imagery that touches the reader’s sense of feeling, both physically and emotionally, is illustrated predominantly throughout the verse. The words paint perfectly the horrible images of being imprisoned, broken, or ravished. The reader feels the pain that would be brought if these things actually occurred. At the same time the harsh words and images cause the reader to also identify with the emotional state the speaker has to be in to make such requests. Donne also uses other poetic devices that cause the reader to feel the words instead of simply reading them. For example, the alliteration in line four (break, blow, burn) brings with it the feeling of being knocked down or overthrown simply by its beating rhythm. The structure of the poem’s sentences also seems to stress the speaker’s current state more than the help that would be brought by his God intervening. Donne does this by placing these improved results in the middle of the sentences as subordinate clauses, causing the reader to give less emphasis to the possibilities for healing and focus more on the speaker’s current state of hopelessness. Donne’s poem is overall captivating, real, and moving. It stirs emotion inside of the readers and holds their attention with the harsh reality that this poem is the description of nearly all people who have faith. Though the phrase â€Å"three-personed God† is an allusion to the Christian triumvirate, anyone who is deep-rooted in their religion can relate to this desperate longing to be faithful to their God in a real and passionate way. Though hard to believe, most of those people probably feel that this poem was based on a passionate prayer from their very own heart.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Does Willy Russell Create Mood Essay

In the Summer Sequence Willy Russell’s three main protagonists are shown to grow up from the ages of 15 to 18, thus becoming adults throughout the song. This means that the sequence acts as a watershed in the respect that it marks a major turning point in the play. This is shown through the atmosphere that Russell creates, which goes from fairly positive, hopeful tone to a more cynical and desperate one over the duration of the sequence. Russell uses several techniques to create these atmospheres throughout. In the opening of the Summer Sequence the atmosphere is clearly a happy one, which is shown by Russell by using words like â€Å"young, free and innocent† to describe the characters. In this section, the word â€Å"innocent† is used twice. This repetition emphasises their youth and their naivety. â€Å"You haven’t got a care†, suggests Russell is trying to create an image of the characters as being without concern, completely free of worry so it reinforces the absolute happiness of the characters. Another adjective that occurs later in the song is â€Å"immortal† which at this stage of the play creates an atmosphere of excitement and spontaneity because the children can’t conceive of an end to their current lives. A technique that Russell uses starts to use here is imagery, â€Å"street’s turned to paradise†, the word â€Å"paradise† bring to mind an idea of secure and complete happiness, which is how he describes them in this verse. Another technique is personification, â€Å"radio’s singing dreams†, giving the radio the ability to do something that brings happiness or joy. This line also works the first time the motif of dreams appears, one that recurs throughout the sequence. The next notable part of the sequence is entirely stage directions, and shows the characters at a fairground. In this part of the sequence the most obvious technique is foreshadowing and motifs arising. In it, Linda is just ignored by the narrator, who is running the stall, when giving the gun to them, but the boys both insist Linda fires it, which is reminiscent of the beginning of the play when Linda takes the airgun from Mickey and beats him at firing at cans. Linda also used to control their social situations, â€Å"let’s throw some stones through them windows†. This scene is also very reliant on the gun motif that runs through the entire play which creates a darker and more sinister atmosphere, and that suggests a level of violence. The fairground scene is also reflected in the musical choice, which is fairground-like music that plays to the tune of ‘Tell me it’s not true’, the song Mrs Johnstone sings at the very beginning of the play while her two sons lie dead on the stage. So, again this ties in with the audiences’ awareness of the boys’ tragic fate, thus, creating a foreshadowing atmosphere and suggests impending tragedy. This links with the gun motif, as together these themes create a sense of impending violence and death. The last line of this section of stage directions is â€Å"Linda is caught in the middle, the game freezes†. This creates a dark atmosphere as throughout the play Linda is always seen to be caught in between the two boys, but so far, it has never ended badly. In this instance, however, it foreshadows the fates of all three characters. The use of the word â€Å"game†, referring to a game of piggy-in-the-middle, could suggest that the context of the play when Linda gets caught up in her own happiness which eventually leads to the tragic fate of the twins. Overall, this section is of a darker tone than the last, but this atmosphere is created through the subtext, so the audience may not be fully aware of why they feel this way about the atmosphere. This is featured through the presence of the narrator, who throughout the play appears on stage to signify or prompt something negative to happen. He hands them the gun, and prompts the game of piggy-in-the-middle that Linda gets caught between. The next section uses metaphors to create a dark, impending atmosphere, that is more openly sinister that the previous section. Russell refers to the characters are â€Å"Lambs in spring†, which suggests not only their innocence and naivety, but an inevitable fate, specifically one that is forced upon them, not of their own doing. This explicitly refers to the brothers’ fate in a way in which the last section didn’t, so the tone is far more marred by the eventuality of their deaths. This date is also referenced when Russell extends the metaphor, â€Å"fate the later seasons bring†, which causes the audience to remember the scene at the very beginning of the play, preventing them from being drawn into the initial happiness of the three teenagers in this sequence. Again, it refers to Linda being caught in the middle of the pair, foreshadowing their final argument. It also refers to Linda paying a â€Å"price†, a theme that was initially shown in the song ‘Easy Terms’, sung by Mrs Johnstone, and in both cases foreshadows the price they’ll have to pay for their involvement in the twins’ lives. The music becomes far more serious and sinister, a repetitive tense note with no actual melody. In the next section a recurring theme is shown with the references to time. This creates a sad, melancholic atmosphere, as the audience is aware of the character’s significant lack of time together, but the characters are not, so their happy unawareness and this dramatic irony is slightly poignant. Again, fate is reference by the narrator â€Å"care not for what’s at the end of the day†, again forcing the audience to remember the fate of the boys, this enhances the melancholy mood of the section. â€Å"What is to come, what might have been†, references both the eventualities of the play, whilst also suggesting they could have been happy, that it could have they could have been happier, depressing the mood even further. It is made poignant by the characters’ blissful ignorance, â€Å"life has no ending†¦Talk away the night†, which ties in with the earlier references of immorality. Again, this dramatic irony, where the audience know that the boys’ lives do have endings that are fast approaching, almost makes the audience beg them to not waste their time talking â€Å"away the night†. â€Å"Share your last cigarette† also ties into the earlier scene where Mickey and Eddie share things, such as sweets and later cigarettes, they promise to share things in their blood brothers pact; but they cannot share Linda. Arguably the downfall of both brothers, meaning that this watershed’s atmosphere is wholly dark. In the next section it is all stage directions, but Russell uses foreshadowing and the use of the narrator’s presence to create a seemingly happy atmosphere that still foreshadows tragedy. In it, the trip are taking photos of each other at the beach. In the one between Eddie and Linda, Eddie down on one knee and demonstrating affections by kissing her hand. Throughout the play, Linda has shaped Eddie’s personality and actions, such as coercing him to throw rocks, and Eddie has appeared to like her from the very beginning and so this foreshadows the dynamics of their later relationship. Mickey and Linda’s photo does the same, as Mickey â€Å"pulls a distorted face†, and Linda chastening him for it, which foreshadows Mickey’s later dependency on medication, and Linda’s efforts to help him get off them. This foreshadowing of tragic events, in a way that appears innocent creates an  eerie, disconcerting atmosphere. As there are no words, it can’t openly reference what’s to come, but uses what the characters think is a harmless and happy moment. This is compounded by the musical choice, which is again ‘Tell me it’s not true’, as fairground music. Again, this foreshadows the final scene, creating a foreboding atmosphere without explicit reference as to why it appears that way. In this scene we see the characters taking pictures of them at the beach, these photos are memories of the last time the three of them are all truly happy. Therefore, the photographs signify the end of their childhood and innocence and dreams. This made clearer by the narrator being the one to take the photographs, thus being the one who signifies the end of their childhoods and lives. The children literally become adults at the end of the beach scene in the Summer Sequence, as well as metaphorically. Because the narrator is a sinister figure throughout the play, and usually is there to prompt the occurrence of something tragic, it creates a sense of impending tragedy even more obvious in this scene. The picture that the narrator takes is of them all together, happy, so he not only brings their childhood to a close, but also their happiness and friendship. In a sense, he symbolises reality as he intrudes on their happiness, despite their ignorance and the audience’s desire for him not to do so. He also represents society as it is eventually social constraints of class and wealth that divide the two. This way the audience are forced to see the society that they are part of and this is the factor that brings the story to an end. The fact that he appears to them as a friendly, even helpful, face increases the audience’s wariness of him and therefore the sinister nature of the scene. The overriding atmosphere of the scene is the last section is one of desperation and uncertainty. Russell uses metaphors such as â€Å"broken bottles in the sand† to symbolise a man-made impression on something naive and happy, which symbolises the characters’ friendship and how it is affected by class. The motif of a dream is repeated, as is the theme of innocence. The references to dreams ties in with the song tell me it’s not true, which refers to dreams. The reference to innocence here again makes the trio seem devious to the fact that they will be subject to tragedy.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Application Of The Behaviourist Perspective Psychology Essay

Application Of The Behaviourist Perspective Psychology Essay Operant conditioning is a process of learning, it was found by Burrhus Frederic Skinner BF Skinner. Skinner invented the operant conditioning chamber, also known as the Skinner Box. He innovated his own philosophy of science called radical behaviorism, and founded his own school of experimental research psychology – the experimental analysis of behavior. His analysis of human behavior culminated in his work Verbal Behavior, which has recently seen enormous increase in interest experimentally and in applied settings. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which an individual’s behavior is modified by its consequences; the behavior may change in form, frequency, or strength. Operant conditioning is distinguished from classical conditioning in that operant conditioning deals with the modification of voluntary behavior or operant behavior. Operant behavior operates on the environment and is maintained by its consequences. Classical conditioning (also Pavlovian condi tioning or respondent conditioning) is a form of learning in which the conditioned stimulus (CS), comes to signal the occurrence of a second stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus (US). (A stimulus is a factor that causes a response in an organism.) The conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. The US is usually a biologically significant stimulus such as food or pain that elicits a response from the start; this is called the unconditioned response (UR). The CS usually produces no particular response at first, but after conditioning it elicits the conditioned response (CR). Classical conditioning differs from operant or instrumental conditioning, in which behavior emitted by the subject is strengthened or weakened by its consequences (reward or punishment). This perspective is most useful in explaining our different ‘Learned’ behaviours. It lets us look at a specific behaviour and see where we got it from and how we got it. Changing behaviour is where we change our behaviour sometimes because of maybe a fear or phobia. Classical conditioning is used for explaining these but it is also good for helping us change these behaviours. There is a method to change phobic behaviour, this is called ‘Systematic Desensitisation’. You would put together a list of things that relate to the fear, and relax to the point where you are comfortable enough to look at the thing without being scared. Then you would move up to the next level of it. For example, if you were afraid of spiders, you would get comfortable with seeing a picture of a spider, then the next level would be having a spider in the room with you but in a cage, and this could progress up to you being able to hold the spider. This is called a ‘Hierarchy Of Fear’. Classical conditioning has also been used to treat other things like alcoholism, they are given a drug, when that drug is mixed with alcohol it causes them to feel sick and be sic k. They then associate alcohol with sick and unpleasantness. Application of the Social Learning Theory Social Learning Theory suggests that many things can influence our behaviour. This could be things like; Peers, Siblings, Parents, Television, Sports, Personalities and celebrities. If we see someone we admire behaving in a certain way, we are more likely to imitate them. Albert Bandura is a famous Psychologist at Stanford University. For almost six decades, he has been responsible for contributions to many fields of psychology, including social cognitive theory, therapy and personality psychology, and was also influential in the transition between behaviorism and cognitive psychology. He is known as the originator of social learning theory and the theory of self-efficacy, and is also responsible for the influential 1961 Bobo doll experiment. He felt that learning did not have to be conditioned or reinforced all the time. New behaviour could be could be learnt by observing others. Observational Theory refers to learning of a new behaviour through watching someone else perform the behaviour. This behaviour can be learnt but does not have to be reproduced unless the individual is motivated to perform the new behaviour. Role Theory suggests that because we live in a certain culture, come from a certain religion or are friends with certain types of groups, we adopt certain roles as we are expected to live up to certain expectations. It also suggests we change our roles to suit our environment. Bandura also thinks that our behaviour is influenced by the presence of others.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Medium And Its Impact On The Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Medium And Its Impact On The Society - Essay Example There are a lot of serious defenders and critics of McLuhan’s ideas, and, in my opinion, all of them are right to a greater or lesser extent, although, after my reading of McLuhan’s works and of some discussions around it, I should confess that I could agree with his aphorism: â€Å"The Medium Is the Message†. In this essay, I give several points to explain my opinion. First of all, I would not adjoin those people who understand the meaning of the McLuhan’s work too literally, focusing mostly on the conventional significance of term â€Å"medium† in relation to mass-media communications and the meaning of â€Å"message† only as information. Such understanding, in my opinion, leads to misapprehension or, at least, to a superficial comprehension of McLuhan’s ideas – it does not allow to go beyond simple conclusions that communication technologies are more important (in some miraculous way) than information or content, which technologies transmit, and hence information can be disregarded. In this sense I agree with McLuhan who expresses his harsh opinion as follows: I consider, that according to McLuhan, the â€Å"media† should be understood in more broad, complex meaning – as â€Å"extension of man†, as any phenomenon (social or technological) that can cause structural changes influencing man’s mode of existence. Fishman (2006) also emphasizes that McLuhan treats media as â€Å"extensions of an individuals capabilities and attributes †¦ [and] extension of the mind. These media create perceptual environments, and these environments influence what kind of facts are privileged as important, and what type of stimuli are ignored or overlooked† (p.2). McLuhan (2003) corroborates it: All human inventions, innovations, and ideas are media, according to McLuhan.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

History of community policing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History of community policing - Research Paper Example ator in the community. It refers to the change in philosophy regarding police duties versus community responsibilities to a team idea of complete quality management of the community (Worts, 2000). Arrington (2006) cites the ‘most often agreed upon’ definition of community policing by the United states Department of Justice (1997) as a philosophy of policing, which supports and promotes organizational strategies of dealing with the causes decreasing social disorder and crime fear by means of problem-solving techniques as well as community policing partnerships. He adds that proper community policing occurs cooperatively with the community being equal partners. Improving residents’ life quality as well as making them feel safer should be the main objective of police. This idea led to the development of several diverse police tactics and strategies intended for the improvement of the relationship between the police and the community. The idea of community oriented po licing lies on the premise that reducing the fear of crime by citizens while at the same time forming a partnership between the community and the police is a meaningful police organizations’ goal (Community oriented policing services, 2011). Samaha explains that in its description of community policing, the Community-Oriented Policing services 2004 (COPS) states that the focus of community policing is social disorder and crime by delivering police services, which includes facets of traditional law enforcement and prevention, community partnerships, and engagement, and problem-solving. COPS further states that the model of community policing creates a balance between reactive responses to call s for service and proactive problem solving focusing on disorder and crime’s causes. The joining of both the citizens as well as the police as partners in recognizing and addressing those issues effectively is very important. COPS’ definition of community-oriented policing adds up to three elements. To start with, it entails the identification, analysis, response to, as well as the evaluation of community problems evaluation by focusing not only on specific crime and disorder incidences but also on their causes. Secondly, it entails incorporating other agencies of the government in addition to private community resources community service organizations as well as businesses with the aim of working on problems. Thirdly, it entails the working together of the police and the community to achieve the task of maintaining order, controlling crime as well as other social services to the social services to the public (Giles, 2002). The primary concern of community-oriented policing (COP) is developing a working relationship with the society. The idea behind it is that if the community partners with the police, increased security and crime reduction can result. COP stresses the fact that residents are the main line of protection against fear, crime, disorder a s well as the worsening of life quality in their vicinity. Therefore, residents, in community-oriented

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Human Side of Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Human Side of Organisations - Essay Example These targets were specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. Following the future development targets was an extensive action plan that would help in achieving these targets. 1) Evidence 1.1 Self-Analysis A critical analysis of the personality inventory test taken for the purpose of this assignment made me understand my personality type along with my strengths and weaknesses. According to test results, my personality type is ENTJ which stands for extraverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. Further consideration of these results made me understand that I am capable of looking at a broader picture underlying a situation instead of its specifics (Sharp, 1987). Furthermore, I thrive in situations that allow more cognitive application and social interaction. Research performed to understand my test results indicated that this personality type is known as extraverted thinking (Furnham, Moutafi, and Paltiel, 2005). I like to socialize in practically every situation from academics to family life and community events, intuition acts as my major strength while handling any task or situation at hand. As a result my responses are usually robust; contain holistic view of the situation. Although some of the decisions are made unconsciously however my past experiences provide me with expertise and self-awareness act as a ground for such decisions. Further analysis with the help of course literature provided during the semester about intuition indicated that my intuitive intelligence is an amalgam of creative, social and expert intuition. As a result the decisions made are based on assessment of feelings of people involved in the decisions, my own experiences and understanding along with gut feelings leading to creative ideas. 1.2 Strengths and Weaknesses In the light of the analysis performed above, I was able to identify my personal strengths and weaknesses. Being an extrovert and intuitive persona, I am able to identify other people’s emotions and also read between the lines. Where I have undertaken quite a few projects in leadership roles, these traits helped me in interacting well with my team by understanding their personal emotional needs. My second strength can be effective time management. Since I perform judgment and thorough thinking about tasks before taking them and plan them well after they are assigned to me, therefore I try to keep a track of my performance through effective time management, prioritization and utilization of resources play a key role in this area. My third strength can be strategic thinking. Before making a decision, I try to analyze the situations, possible causes behind the problem and identify most appropriate solutions that will have long term positive results rather than short term success. Along with these strengths, I have several weaknesses which sometimes hinder my efficiency and effectiveness in certain situations. My first weakness can be difficulty in keeping balance between differen t tasks. Although I like multitasking, however it gets difficult to prioritize them and give them due share of time. I plan my tasks before time and keep a track of their

Culture awarness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Culture awarness - Essay Example The course was designed according to what the students wanted and needed. The students wanted to learn about the cultures of certain countries and specifically, the way business is conducted in these countries (Vollmer, Alnuaimi and Macku 3). A flaw in our needs assessment design was our failure to determine the student’s level of awareness. We failed to ask questions concerning much they already knew about the cultures of the different countries. In hindsight, we forgone general awareness questions because we gave the students the choice of which countries they would like to learn about. Doing this made it difficult to assess any prior knowledge of the countries the students may have had. Another flaw within our course was we realized in hindsight more emphasis could have been given to the industries that have the greatest potential in the country. We now realize we could have been more industry specific within our presentation since most of the students communicated their concerns about jobs and business. Information about how to perform during business meetings within the different countries was included in the course because the survey results indicated the students agreed upon the importance of learning about different cultures in light of the recent globalization of the business world. Dining etiquette and dress codes were also included within the course because of unanimous agreement within our group that both topics are extremely significant to a country’s culture and therefore should be included within cultural awareness training. Based on research evidence, students realize the need for cultural awareness especially with the trend of business moving towards globalization. Students agreed that they will need the necessary skills to be able to prepare for expatriatism. Two-thirds of the students, deem it important to be aware of the different cultures of the world because they will need that knowledge and skill base for their future jobs. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Global Operations Management at Nestle Case Study

Global Operations Management at Nestle - Case Study Example With its main headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland, the company has hundreds of branches all over the world. It has around 283,000 employees in 86 countries. It has 6,000 brands of a wide range of products such as coffee, chocolate products, infant foods, ice cream, confectionery, pet food, seasonings, bottled water, healthcare nutrition products as well as frozen and refrigerated foods. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s objective is to â€Å"consolidate and strengthen its leading position at the cutting edge of innovation in the food area in order to meet the needs and desires of customers† (Vijaya, 2005). Due to the immense size of the company, in terms of market share and market presence, the issue of operations management is very important to the company. Its global success is dependent on how well operations are carried out to ensure that resources are well utilized and customers are pleased with the company’s products (Schwarz, 2002). Since Nestle deals with different suppliers in different locations, supply chain management is perhaps the most important aspect of operations management for the global company. Supply chain management is an important aspect is creating high-quality products in the most cost-effective way for the benefit of both the organization and the customer. Supply chain management is concerned with the oversight of information, materials, and finances used in the production of goods and services, right from the supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer to the consumer. The process of supply chain management involves the coordination of and integration of this flow within and among companies. Assuming that the required products are available when needed then the ultimate goal of proper supply chain management is the reduction of inventory (Mentzer, 2001). Supply chain management can be divided into three main types of flows: product flow, information flow, and financial flow.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Performance Management Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Performance Management Project - Essay Example Performance management systems are not built out of the blue. In fact, there is always some basis of establishing the system of performance management. Policies of performance management comprise immensely on the internal structure of the organization. The entire formation of the policies of PMS is based upon the structure, requirements, position and condition of the organization and its employees. A performance management system is vital because it benefits the organization in ensuring that the day to day activities of the organization and its employees are aligned with the goals and objectives of the organization. Performance management system not only benefits the organization but it also benefits the employees by providing them with continuous feedback about their performance and also provides them with the opportunities to enhance their performance. The most critical aspect which had been overlooked is that not only achievement of goal is crucial but how the goals are attained is equally considerable as it reflects the element of Corporate Social Responsibility. The idea that implementation of PMS will immediately improve the employee’s performance is quite unrealistic. To obtain the full potential benefits of performance management system, the organizations needs to invest with resources so that managers and employee own that system, otherwise the system will be treated as obligatory activity and neither the organization nor the employees will enjoy the benefits of this system. Any PMS will cannot be complete or perfect and when the organizations evolve, their PMS must also evolve accordingly. This report will evaluate some common issues related to the system of performance management and will also provide recommendation about how the PMS can be implemented effectively. Generally, performance management is the procedure to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Book review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Book review - Essay Example After her sister Rosa dies from being poisoned, Clara becomes a hermit. Esteban, Rosa’s fiance, is busy making a fortune and sexually exploiting peasant girls because he feels that he is entitled to due to his financial status. Upon deciding to visit the old del Valle house, Esteban meets Clara and they quickly become engaged and marry. After they are married, Ferula, Esteban’s sister, moves in with them. A year later, Esteban and Clara give birth to their first child, a daughter named Blanca, who, as she gets older, falls in love with Pedro Tercero. By the end of that summer, Clara finds herself to be pregnant with twins, boys to be named Jaime and Nicolas. Before the birth of her boys, Clara’s parents die in a car accident, resulting in the beheading of her mother, Nivea. Clara isn’t immediately told of what has happened to Nivea, in fear of complications with her pregnancy, but she still finds out. She sets out to find the head, aided by Ferula. During this devastating time, Ferula and Clara become really close; eventually, Ferula and Esteban are fighting for Clara’s attention and love. One day, Esteban comes home to find Ferula and Clara in bed together, and he hastily kicks Ferula out of the house, but not before she can curse him with a lonely life. As time goes on, Blanca and Pedro’s love deepens, though they know that Blanca’s father would never approve, as Pedro is from a different class. Years later, Esteban finds out about his daughter’s love affair by Jean de Satigny, who only wants to secure himself in Esteban’s financial life either as his business partner or his son-in-law. In an attempt to separate his daughter from her lover, Esteban tries to kill Pedro, harming his own wife in the process, who then establishes a silent relationship between her and her husband. However, years down the road,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Romeo and Juliet and Different Writing Devices Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet and Different Writing Devices Essay Shakespeare has been a very important writer in history because of his special way of writing. Throughout the ages, people have read his literature and taught lessons to the next generations from his writing. Shakespeare had morals and personal values, such as love. He used his special writing style to help people understand how he felt better. He also uses sonnets, or small poems, for specific topics. Love, Marriage, and Friendship are portrayed in Shakespeare’s sonnets through different writing devices that he uses to express himself. In Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30, he talks specifically about friendship- an important theme in his early work. In Sonnet 30 he says: â€Å"For precious friends hid in death’s dateless night†, meaning we should love our friends because we do not know when they will be dead. This is because he says â€Å"death’s dateless night†, meaning you don’t know when death will come. Basically he is saying that you should not worry about death but just enjoy the time you have with friends while they are still alive. This can be applied to many things from family to even pets. It is a deep thought but it is his way of staying happy even though death can be anywhere at anytime. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 55 focuses around the theme of love. Love played a big part of Shakespeare’s work from Hamlet to Romeo and Juliet. He was a romantic person but he used it to his advantage to create sadness or feelings of tragedy like in Romeo and Juliet. In the Sonnet he says â€Å"So, till the judgment that yourself arise, You live in this, and dwell in lovers’ eyes†. He means that before you die you should love the person you are with and always love them, because love is so important to happiness. The final Sonnet, Sonnet 116, focuses on Marriage. Since love and friendship is paramount to Shakespeare, so is marriage, since it’s like love combined with friendship. Shakespeare thinks marriage is sacred and if you love someone you should stay married to that person. In the sonnet he says â€Å"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds†, meaning that love is not love if you try and change it. Also he says that it is an â€Å"ever-fixed mark† meaning it should last forever and you should not get a divorce. You can tell by how he writes that Shakespeare is a very romantic and caring person. He thinks love and friendship and marriage are crucial to humans, and that they all go hand in hand with each other. He uses love in most of his stories, not just the Sonnets and he knows that people catch on to the message he is sending. Everyone knows about Shakespeare, but most do not know how much he cares about things like love. He uses his style of writing to portray his views about love, friendship, and marriage in his Sonnets.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Advantages of eBooks Versus Traditional Books Essay Example for Free

The Advantages of eBooks Versus Traditional Books Essay Thesis Statement: Ebooks can replace physical books as they have many advantages that allow you to read more however physical books are still a favorite to many readers. II-Ebooks are more accessible. You can simply get your book online the day it drops in the stores without the need of going out and driving to the nearest local bookstore to get a book that you might even find it not available at the moment. Ebooks are easier to travel with as you can have so many books in your Ereader without it getting heavier or being harder to carry, while with physical books you can never travel with a small number of books as it could get your traveling bag so heavy and harder to carry. III-Ebooks offering different multitasking features and keeping you comfy. You can eat and drink while reading and not worry about getting the book all messed up with the grease and crumbles of the food you’re eating, although it won’t be safe for your Ereader as it could get damaged by just one single drop of cola or water as we all know technology and water don’t mix well but for physical books if some water was dropped on it, it will just get wavy but it would still work and you would still be able to read it. Ebooks also give you the ability to take notes easier without always having a pen and a notepad with you all the time as it has all the fancy features to color some words or underline some or even check for words on the dictionary. Ebooks are so comfortable as you can read in any way you like for example you can read sideways before sleeping or you can free both of your hands and lean it to anything near you so you can rest your hands, and anyone who loves reading knows the problems you face when you are reading and your arms get sore and can’t do anything about it. The iv-the beauty of book shopping.When you go shopping for physical books and you see all these beautiful books lined in a sight you can’t help but fall in love with as you can grab any book you like and read the synopsis and look at the magnificent art done by the illustrator to make the beautiful cover that you’re seeing, while with Ebooks this experience is just dead as you can only search for the book that you want to buy and just download it with getting the full experience. V- Real books gives you the real feelings. This is a feeling that not anyone will recognize but real book readers do as there is nothing like the feeling of having a good 450 pages in your hand and you can feel every single detail on the cover with the book title popping up just a little with the smell of the book as you flick every single page away, and this is just something the Ebook can never provide even in a million years. VI- Conclusion.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Plans For Introducing The Laptop Bags In UK Marketing Essay

Plans For Introducing The Laptop Bags In UK Marketing Essay Introduction Marketing is defined as, A co-ordinated process which makes the best use of available resources to present a product proposition to a target market in order to achieve objectives, and then evaluating how successfully this has been done. Peter Verwey, TMA marketing manual Philip Kotler defines Marketing as the art of identifying and understanding customer needs and creating solutions that deliver satisfaction to the customers, profits to the producers and benefits for the stakeholders. Marketing is the performance of those activities which seek to accomplish an organizations objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client, says E. Jerome McCarthy of Michigan State University. As the mission statement of Royale Company is To excel in customers world Vision: Making a difference with great quality and value for the products Values: Quality, value, innovative, service and integrity. Royal company does ensure and strive to get their vision of excelling customers world are measured in depth to the way they run their business and the way they serve their customer be it home or abroad. Royal company mission and values are also met by ensuring that they meet customers expectation with appealing, superior quality products at value for money. Marketing Environments of the UK Royal company has decided to launch a fashionable and convenient bag designed for laptop known as L bag As per the marketing study it is said that people want their laptops and phones to be functional and fashionable and there is a real crossover in product at the current market. UK market wants product to associate them with a brand image. People make choices in what technology they buy based on the feel good factor and what it says about image or personality over what it can actually do. Which is why Royal company has decided to design in different colours, for the sophisticated, the understated and the loud. As tech gets smaller, portable, part of fashionable image and essential and hence fashion industry in generally is waking up to technology. There was a real niche in the market for a lightweight stylish bag that had the technology in it to hold a laptop, but also the technology in it so that if you dropped the bag, the laptop wouldnt break. As young generation in UK are finding it essential and easier to carry the laptop with them around as it is getting slimmer and lighter. With wi-fi hotspots, allowing high speed net access without wires, popping up around the country in bars and cafes staying connected on the move is becoming an important part of it. Laptops are becoming a fashion accessory in UK where people do not carry an ugly bag with a well fashioned dress. All the design that went into laptops bags was focused on the travelling businessman but no thought that now a day laptop is used by younger generation as well which would be a easy target for new product L bag. Marketing Strategy: Whereas marketing strategy is a systematic approach to a major and increasingly important responsibility of management: to position and relate the firm to its environment in a way which assures its success and makes it secure from surprises Ansoff and McDonnell (1990). Every organization needs to know the market very well in order to do succeed in the business and Royal Company is no exception to this. The main features of market orientation are as follows: Customer Focus: Royal Company strives towards delivering the best products as per the needs and requirement of the customers. Competitors Orientation: In retail business Royal Company has survived and served customers for many years. Inter Functional Coordination: It needs to have excellent inter functional coordination to provide smooth service to customers. It means working together as a team. Marketing Plan for introducing the Laptop bags in UK market: In order to formulate the marketing plans as the UK market is very competitive, Royal Company must use their financial resources to create and sustain a high profile with multi level marketing campaign to raise their profile in UK and establish the idea of quality bags for laptop. Need to be innovative in the market are as follows: Business survival For better returns To take advantage of opportunity For profitability Competitive Advantage Macroeconomic Analysis is divided into internal environment and external environment. Internal environment consist of Firms own management structure, the strategies and objectives, the different departmentation within organization. The ability to serve the customer is mainly affected by the internal factors. The external factors mainly consisted of suppliers, distributors, customer, competitors and publics and also the group of shareholder. On the other tool that will be used in these areas is Porters five forces. Just as SWOT and Porter five forces is used to identify new product, services and how a business can be profitable in the market. A PEST Analysis of the industry examines the, social, economic, local, technological, national, political, and global influences to understand opportunities and threats well. Retail industry had an assumption that to some extent these factors (political, economic, social, legal and environmental) will be applicable. Political: It influences organizations in many ways. This factors can create advantage and opportunity for any new organization. They can pose restriction on duties and obligation on organizations. Royal Company has to know the political environment in UK very well such as market regulations, legislation such as the minimum wage and anti discrimination laws, trade agreements and restrictions. Economic: Retail industry is very sensitive to interest rate and also fairly recession proof. Because of September 11 events, stocks were plummeting and prices are low all time due to this the world economy have suffered heavily. However after the September 11th attack the world economy is up and the retail industry are boosting again and consumers are becoming more optimistic. An economy undergoing recession will have high unemployment, low spending power and low stakeholder confidence against a booming economy. Social: There are changes in consumer taste and lifestyle present both opportunities and threats for the retail industry. People are know more thinking about the fashion and brands image which they can easily afford and have them as well. Population changes also have a direct impact on organizations. Changes in the structure of a population will affect the supply and demand of goods and service within the economy. Technical: the way a business would operate has changed greatly due to Technology. Royal Company needs to use this available technology such as the internet and other information exchange system, incorporating a multitude of software which helps to manage the business. In retail industry the introduction of online shopping via internet is now a common place for shopping. IT system undertakes the companys administration, management, and paperless operations which are monitored by the secured sever, it provides a flexible base for running the business. UK is at the forefront of technologically developed. Hence Royal Company gets an advantage of developed logistics and distribution channels already in place. One other tool that will be used in these areas is Porter Five Forces. This model can be used to good analytic effect alongside other models such as the SWOT and PEST analysis tools. Five Forces analyses five important in the determination of competitive power and these are: Buyers power: Suppliers power: Rivalry among competitors: Threat of new entrants: Threat of substitute products: Below is the diagram which describes the Porter Five Force Model: Diagram1: The Problems which Royal Company will be facing and threats of substitute supermarkets, supplier power, buyer power and the power of customer can be explained by Porters five forces. Buyer power also decides the prices in the market. If products are expensive than other products will be purchased. This mean market is disciplined which make the pricing disciplined as well and stops them to destroy the market in a profit war. Supplier power is an essential part of this model. Suppliers demand that retailers should pay them certain price for their service and goods supplied. Threat of substitution is always been affecting any organizations, however they try to ensure brand image and quality by having the best value for the products. Competitors and new entrants is also another threat for Royal Company as they acknowledge these seriously, and therefore the company always plan to improve upon developing its stores. Royal Company can determine its strength, weakness, opportunity and threats to its business by using SWOT analysis: STRENGTHS various range of products Available 24 hours a day Cash Flow Position is strong Increase turnover and trading profits Balance Sheet is strong Leading Supermarket Chain Awareness of Brand Human resources Online Shopping capability to turn assets into advantages OPPORTUNITIES Globally Developing brand alertness Forming New Markets Globalizing the Market Alliances Innovation Growth in Low cost brand Diversification Offering available new markets with advanced margins WEAKNESSES requires local awareness of customers and culture overseas brand THREATS existing New competition Raw materials prices are instable downturn in Economic Globalising the shifting market Takeover bids Low cost brands from Far-East Extremely high competition for resources and customers Product Sales Cycle: Diagram2: Introduction Stage: In the introduction stage, Royal Company seeks to build product awareness and develop a market for the product which is described as As Royal Company wants to enter the UK market, it has to make sure that the product it wants to launch should be according the needs and style of the UK people. Royal Company has made a market research and aspires to launch Laptop Bag in the market. The impact of Marketing Mix is as follows: According to kotler, el al (1996), marketing mix is a social and managerial process by which individual and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with other. It is an important tool in marketing that helps a company to identify a number of variables that stimulate purchasing decisions for any product. There are 4 Ps in marketing mix notably Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Royal company has used this tool to enter UK market with launch of new product line to target people from all walks of life to puruse them to purchase the product known as L bag. Development of Product with description: L Bag: Traditionally it is believed that a good product will sell itself. It become easy to lauch a product which is wanted by customer to make go along with the market and fashion trend. Basic features of L bag is that: It has a main compartment with a padded sleeve which can carry 17 inches laptop so others like 14, 15, 12.1 inche and smaller could fit in it easy. A second compartment which carries neccessary power adapters and other accessories of the laptop. It also has to be strong that it could hold the weight of laptop plus some other neccessary things. Side compressions strap A third small compartment with small sections to hold mobile, pens, credit cards, coins. Basically like an organiser. Benefits of L bag: It has special disk jackets inside where one can carry various discs. USB memory sticks holding has small pockets for it. Dimensions is 17 x 12 x 6 inches, 43 x 30 x 15 cm which can be used by commuters cause it will be smaller than the minimum dimensions allowed in flight cabin size which acoording to the new rule passed on 7th January 2008 is 56cm x 25cm x 45cm( then even traveller could use them. Mp4 and Mp3 music Holder with adjustable strap to adjust with different sizes. Shoulder strap on the bottom has Mp4 and Mp3 controller. Contents of the bags is felt with riveted on sensitive parts of the bags. Carry a 17 inch laptop with its accessories. It is in fashion and matching the latest clothing trends It serve more than one purpose. Benefits of the L bag over traditional backpack are: Less straps hanging on the outside, which thus means less danger of getting stuck The plain shape make them smaller when empty It is quicker to get things in and out of the bag thanks to the big lid It doesnt have to be carried on the back making it easier to protect the contents from pickpockets It does not have to be taken off when reaching for its content, just swing it round. Pricing Strategies: Price is one factor in marketing mix which triggers the purchasing power for any customer. It has always been an attraction to consumers and a challenge to the product manufacturer. If prices are high then it wont sell which can be fixed by reducing the prices. Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans from Khawaja Naveed A rapid penetration strategy consists of launching the product at a low price and spending heavy level on promotion. Royal company has used strategy that promises to bring about the fastest market penetration and the largest market share. This strategy makes sense when the market is large, the market is unaware about of the product, and most buyers are price sensitive there is strong potential competition. The introduction phase starts when the new product is launched. In this introduction phase, profits are negative or low because of the low sales and heavy distribution and promotion expense. The promotion expenditures are at the highest ratio sales, which conducted to New and unknown product should be passed to customers. Induce trial of the product. Secure distribution in retail outlets. L bag is launched for younger generation in UK. As the price is very sensitive factor in marketing , it is hence important to price the product right. It is difficult to know the market value of new product hence a soft opening is recommended where u faces a small group of customers rather than the big crowd which one might not be able to handle on the first day of business. Promotional Strategies: For a marketing position to be sustained it should be linked with a promotional strategy and these are basically two promotional strategies that could be selected and these two are Push and Pull strategies. The Push promotional strategy relies on the companys sales force and its promotional activities to be able to create a consumer demand for a particular product and it aims to sell directly to the consumer without any distribution channels. The Push strategy tends to rely on high advertising and consumer promotion to be built a consumer demand for a product. Product requires innovative, creating marketing solutions in order to successfully differentiate them from competing product in the market place. One of the best ways to introduce the product in the new market with new product is through product publicity. One of the methods that Royal Company can use is through Editorial coverage which can be achieved to the maximum through newspaper and magazines. Place / Distribution Strategies: Putting the right product in the right location at the right time is a daunting challenge that involves a delicate balance of demand. Strategic distribution is a competitive advantage that accrues generally from the configuration of a distribution network ( who, what, where, when ) and more specifically, from the selection of partners ( middleman ) who intermediate between the company and the customer by performing necessary fulfillment and service activities. Royal companys distribution strategy is largely defined by its decisions on the number and type of customer interfaces. There are two fundamental fulfillment such as: Direct distribution Indirect distribution In general, both direct and indirect distributions are becoming integral to most companies retail distribution strategy. At this level, there are two types of distribution which Royal Company can select from: Exclusive distribution (retailer carries only one brand) Shared distribution (all major brands are carried) As L bag is entering UK market with new image, Royal Company has opted for Shared distribution along with other brands. Assuming denim so widely accepted and United Kingdom has 73% of the population n using denim as suggested my Global Lifestyle Monitor. Branding: The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers. Royal Company sees branding not as a measure to target market over the competition, but as a solution to the customer problem. Royal Company has worked towards branding to ensure that a good brand has been achieved which delivers the message clearly Confirms credibility Connects with the target prospects Motivates the buyer Concretes user loyalty Product success comes only with deep understanding of market conditions, real customer requirements, and competition as well as translation of that business intelligence into high quality product within the window of opportunity. Successful products are ones that meet customer needs, are innovative and that offer value. The characteristics of a new product launch strategy were found to have a significant impact on the intensity of competitive reactions. Competitive reaction is diagnosed in terms of changes in the marketing instruments of the competitors. The data show that competitors react primarily by means of price changes, product changes and promotion changes. For a sales person it just is not that easy. A few ways one can begin is to command the respect of customers so that they will see salesperson as an authority on the products he/she sell. Gaining trust: Building relationship with customers is more important than the products sold. It is essential to know the customer, listen to them carefully and explain about the product. The messenger bag functions and advantages, and let them go at their own pace without pushing. Product knowledge: Knowing the product, study inside and out, makes a sales person prepared to answer to any questions asked regarding the products by customers. Be accessible: It is necessary for customer to know that the sales staffs are available to answer any questions they may have or to discuss any concerns they may have. Or simply making them aware of the product and promotion if any going on. Market Positioning: According to Mercer, D. (2000) is defined as the location of a product (or service) relative to others in the same marketplace and then promoting it in such a way as to reinforce or change its position. The factors that are considered for market positioning are: Product should be compared with other competing products Products position- the way the product is been defined by the consumers on their important attributes Applying a simple buying process which should help the consumers to categories the products according to their needs Segmentation: Blythe, J. (2005), states the segmentation is to identify a group of people who have a need or needs that can be met by a single product, in order to concentrate the marketing firms efforts most effectively and economically. Definition provided by business, market segmentation is defined as Process of defining and sub dividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. In segmentating the market Royal Company must have taken these four factors: Geographic Segmentation will take into consideration such dividing people or market into different geographical locations. The country, climate, size of a place segmented into size of its age wise population. Behavioural segementation is based on the customers need and subsequent reaction to those needs or toward the purchase of intended products. It is important for Royal Company to understand the behaviour of the buyer, as they are targeting younger generation it becomes important to have right pricing to attract customer in the market. Phychographic Segmentation: Royal Company will be segmentating people according to their lifestyles and values. Target customers interest, opinions, values, attitude and the activities they perform. Demographic Segmentation: It is refers to a wide study of the potential customers. While marketing a product many variables like age, gender, education, income, size of the family, occupation, culture and religion, language and nationality are taken into account. This segmentation can help and has worked profitably. It play an important and vital role in determining whether a product can be mass marketed or designed for specific group. In UK Number of Males under 16 in 2007 was 5,895,000 and between 16 24 in 2007 was 3, 788,000. In UK Number of Females under 16 in 2007 was 5,615,000 and between 16 24 in 2007 was 3,580,000. In 2007, the majority of people in many non white ethnic groups living in Great Britain described thier identity as British, English, Scottish or Welsh. This included almost nine in ten (87%) people from Mixed group, 85% of people from Black Caribbean group and eight in ten from Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups ( 80% and 78% respectively). Royal Company has decided to launch it new product in LONDON as the total population of London: Males 3,738,000 in 2007 Females 3,819,000 in 2007 Market Positioning: According to Mercer, D. (2000) is defined as the location of a product (or service) relative to others in the same marketplace and then promoting it in such a way as to reinforce or change its position. The factors that should be considered for market positioning are: Launch product should be compared with other competing products. Product position is the way the product is been defined by the consumers on their attributes. Applying a simple buying process which should help the consumers to categories the products according to their needs. Implementation of Marketing Strategy There are different marketing strategies that may differ depending on the different situation of the business. Benefits and costs of Marketing strategy: It depends on the kind of research conducted, targeted market, goals and aims of an organization methods and tools used for market research. A marketing startegy helps compile marketing goals and actions into a cohesive whole. In the same way different ways of strategy such as advertising, channel marketing, promotion can be elaborated. Marketing startegies are interative and dynamic in itself. Royal company would be focusing its energies and resources on course of action which can lead to increased sales and target market niche. Royal Companys marketing strategy has deeply constructed and combined product development, promotion, distribution, pricing and other elements, identified its marketing goals. It hasexplained how they will achieve and had determined the choice of target market between age group of 16-24 mainly which are younger generation. Basic implementation of marketing strategies includes: Target audience Key element Implementating ( Launching the product ) Recommendation for Royal Company for new product launch of L Bag for laptop: The ability to bring superior and unique product to market in a cost effective manner is the secret for good business performance and growth. Growth is pressurized by high levels of competition, shorter product lifecycles and ever changing market conditions. Company needs to have new ways to deliver value to their customers. It is important to be innovative to existing market once the company has managed to survive the market. Royal company should shorten time to market while reducing developing costs; it should adopt holistic view of the development process. One of the most critical strategic initiatives in new product introduction is: acquiring an explicit definition of customers requirement with customer and not RD vaccum. Conclusion: It is clear that perfect product launch can support business growth initiatives, superior product and effective cost management through integration of product lifecycle activities with customers.

Honour and Fidelity Varies for Men and Women in the play Much Ado about

The theme for honour and fidelity apply for both men and women in Shakespeare’s play ‘much ado about nothing’. Honour and fidelity is represented very differently for men and women as it would have been for the people in Elizabethan times. In this first section of the essay, I will be exploring double standards and Shakespeare’s awareness of the double standards between sexes and his feminist approach, the differences of honour and fidelity for men and women and upper class and lower class comparisons. In order for men to be honourable, they should do great deeds in war which gives them good recognition. From the very beginning of the play we see evidence of this when Leonato says in act 1, scene 1. Leonato: ‘I find here that †¦bestowed much honour on†¦.Claudio’. Deeds in war of course come hand in hand with reputation and a good name which plays an important role in the play. Another quotation showing the importance of a good name is where Hero talks to Ursula about Benedick in the garden scene in Act 3 Scene 1. Hero: ‘Indeed, he hath an excellent good name’. Another important aspect of honour and fidelity for men are friendship or comradeship. The men’s loyalty to their friends was very important as it showed that they were trustworthy and could bestow that trust upon each other. In 1:1:64 Beatrice says ‘He hath every month a new sworn brother,’ at this point Beatrice and Benedick aren’t getting on so well she states this as to mock him and later says that ‘He wears faith as the fashion of his hat.’ For women, honour and fidelity meant very different things to what it did for a man. In order for them to gain honour and fidelity, they had to do very things in order for it to be achieved. Women do not expect fidelity from men... ...s many times as he likes ‘the more the better’ in a man’s world however if a women was to sleep around then she would be considered a ‘whore’ and would be slated for it. This shows that although women have a lot more rights in the modern world, the rules in sexuality and honour have not changed a great deal since Shakespearean times. In conclusion, Shakespeare has used the concept of honour and fidelity throughout the play. He shows many different aspects of honour and fidelity through his characters, the contrasting differences between men and women. He shows us what how important these traits are to Elizabethan society and if honour was ever lost in the upper classes the consequences were never too pleasant. Shakespeare even shows us the true loyalty between Benedick and Beatrice which gives and insight to his feminist views which were quite modern for the time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

1950s Story :: essays research papers

The wilsons are what you would call a typical 1950s american family. They consist of the father and husband Frank, housewife linda, oldest child Tommy age 17, Cheryl age 16, Mikey age 10, and Suzie age 8. Thay are a white middle class family that lives in the suburb autside little rock, Arkansas. The neighborhood was modled after Levittown, a famous sururb community outside of New York. Right now it's monday morning and the wilsons are starting off their week. "Breakfast is ready", yells linda. She has just prepared pancakes, sausages, and orange juice for her whole family. Also, she just finished ironing her husband's dress shirt for work. On her way back to the kitchen, she recieves a huge kiss from her husband, seeing as she felt her identity was riding on him; since she never managed to finish college. "Oh Mother, the food smells so good!", suzie enthusiastically bellows in excitement. They all sit sit down and happily eat their foos together, while linda goes around and serving them seconds, pouring them juice and cofee, and washing some disshes. Tommy and sheryl finish and are ready to go to school, Central High. "Bye mom and dad, we love you" they both say. "We love you too kids, have a fun day" they replied back Tommy and cheryl getbin the car, and tommy drives them to school. Frank had jus gotten the car from the dealer. It was a 1958 chevelle, with all the luxuries. Frank Wilson could afford it, since he was an executive workng with a prestigious farming products factory; where he worked for the animal feed division. The bank was more than happy to lend him the money for the car, seeing that his job with the factory was stable, the farming industry was growing and he qualified perfectly as an average middle class white man. He was no different th at any of his coworkers. "Jailhouse Rock is really good... By elvis right?" Asks tommy "Why yes!" says cheryl. The tune was blasting on a radical radio station playing rock music. It was 1957, the year of the little rock nine. Tommy and Cheryl were rather neutral towards segregation, they had good moral values. They had heard about the incident earlier that year, but they didn't pay any attention to it. Furthermore, Cheryl brought her slynky along to school. She was one of the first to have a slynky in her group of frineds.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of The Threat of National ID :: William Safire

Threat of National ID In William Safire’s â€Å"The Threat of National ID†, he argues against a National ID card. Safire published an article in the New York Times to establish different context. Safire gives details about the use of National ID card at different places in different situations. He emphasizes that many Americans are willing to give up personal privacy in return for greater safety, but none of us have privacy regarding where we go and what we do all the time. Safire disputes that mandatory National ID become necessary for people to prevent fear of terror attack. Safire emphasizes his argument around a comparison of a lost dog with a newly developed chip fixed underneath their skin which would let animal shelter alert owner of their pets. He declares that using a chip to find a lost animal would be a good side of technology, whereas fear of terrorism has placed American in threat of trading our right to be let alone for the fake security.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Netflix case study Essay

Netflix offers online video streaming and DVD rental services for a flat fee to all subscribers. After Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix had announced the company’s new strategy of separating its online service and DVD rental services into two accounts for its subscribers, the company’s stock fell to $63 per share from $300 per share and lost 805,000 subscribers in three month. Although facing so many challenges, Reed Hastings choose to continue his new strategies, but with a sincerely apologize for the change and a detailed explanation of why they made this decision and what’s in it for current subscribers. Stock price of Netflix close on yesterday was 312.40. Problems and challenges Although it seems that Netflix has recovered from the separation strategy, but there still are some problems and challenges are waiting for the company. First of all, Netflix online streaming branch is facing fierce competition from companies like Amazon instant video, YouTube, iTunes store, and Hulu. Second, On-demand TV offering are now hot area, many big-pay TV operator such as Verizon and Comcast Corp are trying to bring on-demand TV to cable users which will offer fresher content than online streaming companies like Netflix. Third of all, The DVD rental branch called Qwikster are now competing with companies like Amazon and Redbox DVD rental. From what we can see in the future, DVD service may finally run out of business and how to minimize the damage to Netflix is a big problem waiting for a solution. SWOT Strength Netflix is offering a flat fee policy, which is cheaper than Amazon and iTunes users and is easier to retain current users. A very distinctive strength Netflix have is that Netflix is also a producer. In this year’s Emmy Awards, Netflix Inc’s groundbreaking political thriller House of Cards took home an award for directing. As its name shows in Emmy, Netflix may win not only an award, but many potential users. Many people may position Netflix as a company provides high quality shows than other video distributors. Weakness Although the stock price has gone up this year and everyone now thinks Reed Hastings is the one sees the future, the remaining problem is how to survive with a $7.99 monthly flat fee for subscribers and at the same time spending more than $5 billion for the next five years to purchase TV shows and Movie License. Customers always wants more and pay less. Huge amount of spending force Netflix to attract new users in a rapid speed, but attract new users itself will be another big spending. Although the original drama â€Å"house of cards† generated a big buzz for Netflix, but the cost is considerable. Opportunities New technologies bring opportunities to online streaming video companies. Netflix has mobile app for both Android and ios system and it works well. People want to access to on-demand videos more convenient by using mobile phone and tablets. The trend of globalization gives Netflix the opportunity to grow itself. The fourth quarter of 2012, Netflix gained 3 million new global subscribers. Threat Competition from Amazon, iTunes, Hulu, Google TV, and cable networks may pose threat to the company. BRAD BEALE, Director of digital video content acquisition of Amazon is known for its ability of picking up successful shows and get the license earlier than other companies. Hulu also spend a lot on bringing new contents in. Although Netflix is cheaper, Amazon offers free instant vedio to prime membership and two-day free shipping for its customers. Also, Amazon, Apple and Google now all offer their own devices for video streaming, such as Apple TV, Kindle Fire. Questions Q.1. A strong consumer backlash emerged in response to major changes in Netflix’s business model. What are some of the arguments in favor of Hasting’ decision to split the company? What decisions and options are available to Hastings? Were they good decisions? 2- 3 paragraphs Many believe DVD rental business is fading because of new technologies. People no longer want to wait for the DVD to arrive. Instead they want on-demand video services. Slip the company bring price lower for stream only customers and it is fair for them to pay for cheaper price. Put in account information is easier and benefit is longer. Hastings can choose to change the company back to the old model by listening to customers and close the DVD service a couple years later when the DVD rental industry lost all the business. I think its good decisions because the financial information shows that Reed Hastings made the good decision and wins the game. The revenue grow almost half and subscribers grow even more this year. Works Cited Laporte, N. (2013, July 1). A TALE OF TWO NETFLIX. Fast Comapny , 177, pp. 31-32. Mint. (2013, September 23). ‘Breaking Bad,’ ‘Modern Family’ win top Emmy Awards. (H. M. Ltd., Producer) Retrieved Septemner 29, 2013, from Mint: Peterson, T. (2013, September 23). 2013 MEDIA MAVENS: BRAD BEALE. Advertising Age , 84 (33), p. 1. Ramachadran, S. (2013, September 20). Cable Fights to Feed ‘Binge’ TV Viewers; Comcast, Verizon FiOS Vie With Netflix, Amazon for Rights to Show Complete Series. (Dow Jones & Company Inc) Retrieved September 30, 2013, from Wall Street Journal: View as multi-pages

Friday, August 16, 2019

Life’s Dispute

It is interesting to explore the work of art of Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms. In the story, it gives the readers a sense of responsibility hand in hand with intense love for someone that the protagonist has to his beloved. The blend of one’s conviction and love are the focal elements in the author’s masterpiece.As the author shed light to the intriguing scenario of the story, at some point, the readers would have passionate longing and at the same time a huge responsibility to his craft. It is indeed in this story that the author uses the realities of life which truly give emphasis to the norm of the story.Furthermore, A Farewell to Arms involves a great representation of one’s ideals in life. On how the central character portrays his conviction all through out the story is the essential part of this paper. The elaboration of ideals as well as realities of life will be presented in this dissertation.In lieu of the story, Frederick Henry is the lea ding character. He’s a volunteer ambulance driver which has a huge responsibility in the realm that he is into but at the same time, at the back of his mind, he is thinking about the indifferent world. Accordingly, he does his work efficiently but along the way, he makes a gesture that he misses the point wherein the essentiality his work does not serve his persona anymore.In addition to the protagonist ideals in life, it was characterized in the story how he passionately fall in love with Catherine with whom he focuses his attention. The deep rooted feelings that he established towards Catherine truly leave a mark to his character and on the later part of the story, it was clearly shown how he stand with his love despite the challenges that comes their way.Catherine Barkley was said to be the one behind the character of Frederick Henry. She was once loose her fiancà ©. She met Frederick Henry in the hospital. They both got attracted with each other which lead them to have a relationship. Their affair was intensely depicted in the story which enlightens the very essence of A Farewell to Arms. Catherine’s character without a doubt had a huge impact to Frederick Henry’s character. She simply defines the perseverance of the central character by using their love as central element, â€Å"I want what you want.There is no any me any more just what you want† (Hemingway, p.106). The characteristic of Frederick Henry is not the serious type when it comes to relationship, â€Å"I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her. This was a game, like bridge, in which you said things instead of playing cards. Like bridge you had to pretend you were playing for money or playing for some stakes. Nobody had mentioned what the stakes were† (Hemingway, p. 31). As Frederick Henry had an attachment to Catherine, his feelings transforms in a much deeper character of a man with conviction to his girl.On the later part of the story when Catherine had difficulty in her pregnancy and to the extent that she looses her life with their baby, it expounds the strength in the leading role’s character as he stand firm and with open arms accept the challenges of life. Truly, the world is indifferent in the eyes of Frederick Henry but because of Catherine’s contributions to his life, he became strong with a grip to love the life that he has.Rinaldi, a physician and a friend to Frederick Henry was one of the contributing characters in the story. Through this man, it draws a picture of concentrated aim for the best. He focuses his attention to two things – war and country. This man talks about medal of bravery and development in ones craft. Indeed, it gives the leading character to have a perception as regards to work as well as to excel in his field.Passini, another effective character in A Farewell to Arms delineates the intention of the story. Considering his character, his views in life was to quit with what he is doing.He wanted to end the war just like that because he does not appreciate anymore the imperative task he is portraying, â€Å"One side must stop fighting. Why don't we stop fighting† (Hemingway, p.51). Unfortunately, he died in the event of the story, and this circumstance serves an eye opener to the protagonist that when you relinquish the struggle, you almost surrender yourself.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ceramic Art of Japan

HIS glazed pots â€Å"possesses a stunning and unusual Iridescent quality'. Yamaha has an Interest In rare ancient Chinese tea bowl glazes and glazes that have a three-dimensional quality that emphasizes peacefulness and purity. His ceramic can be expressed as calm, classic and very well balanced In aesthetic and his forms are Influenced by the mystical and spiritual power of giving life to hidden beauty. Yamaha himself has stated that â€Å"Harmony and unity are expressions of peace. I alma for my art to provide not only beauty, but also peacefulness.My quest has been not for the perfect form or perfect glaze, but for the mysterious effect that first drew me to this work: the contemplative tranquility evoked wrought line and light†. His ceramic of throwing, glazing, and firing are very complex and his vessels are pristine, dynamically simple, and the objects are very devoted to contemplation and is influenced by the panoply of the nature world, star-filled nights, geologic p henomena, undulating ocean waves and fiery red sunsets.Handmaid's collection of his work as a ceramic are awarded and hung up on many famous art museums all around the world, such as the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, , the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Another well-known Japanese ceramic is Abe Nanjing(1938-) who is very famous for his Baize pottery, Baize pottery is a type of Japanese pottery that is characterized by its iron-like hardness, and a reddish-brown color, and design from wood-burning kiln firing.Baize is originated from Kamala Prefecture, Japan and it is Japans oldest pottery and one of the six remaining kilns of medieval Japan. Abe Nanjing glazes his pottery (Baize) and then covers it with an artificial enamel glazes and natural ash glazes which make a unique Baize flair, in which some people say that his way of glazing destroys the original beauty of Baize pottery. In Baize' s eddo period pottery were glazed with white slip and completely hid the beauty of the Baize (Dark Age of Blaze).Imbibe Ware is when Baize clay Is colored by a deep black and covered by an Iron-rich liquid clay. Abe has a special ability to mix two different kinds of glaze, over glaze and natural glaze together and fire this and make pottery that Is rugged and has naturalistic austerity. Ceramic Art of Japan By Amy-Koura moved to the United States to study art history at Western Michigan University and with his master potter, Shires Mira for five years. Experimenting and completing throughout Japan and United States. His glazed pots â€Å"possesses a stunning and unusual iridescent quality'.Yamaha has an interest in rare ancient Chinese tea bowl balanced in aesthetic and his forms are influenced by the mystical and spiritual unity are expressions of peace. I aim for my art to provide not only beauty, but also pottery and one of the six remaining kilns of medieval Japan. Abe Nanjing glazes his Baize). Imbibe Ware is when Baize clay is colored by a deep black and covered by an iron-rich liquid clay. Abe has a special ability to mix two different kinds of glaze, over glaze and natural glaze together and fire this and make pottery that is rugged and

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Marxist Criticism Is Always Concerned with the Class Struggle in History.

The main aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society. Thus the reason I chose to study George Orwell's Animal Farm is because its characters share (originally) this same ambition. Animal Farm represents the oppressed masses rising up and forming a ‘classless' society of their own. While offering a critique of communism in general, the book also serves to act as a mirror of Soviet Russia under Stalin. As reflected throughout the text, it was no secret Orwell considered Russia, and consequently Communism, a counter-revolutionary force that would inevitably become corrupted by greed and power. Indeed, perhaps in order to go further in offering a Marxist reading of the text, it is necessary to pass judgement on the author and the epoch in which the book was written. In doing so, I hope to show just how progressive (or anti-progressive) the book is. From almost the very beginning of this book it possible to see Orwell's criticism of Karl Marx, displayed through ‘Old Major'. Many of the characters in the book symbolize real political figures. Old Major' is very much like Karl Marx, at times he appears single minded and unrealistic. Before his death ‘Old Major' gave an unwavering speech stating no animal should ever â€Å"touch money, or engage in trade† . This is clearly a direct criticism of Karl Marx's naivety, as shown later through Orwell's narration: Never to have any dealings with human beings, never to engage in trade, never to make use of money – had these not been among the earliest resolutions passed at the first triumphant meeting when Jon es was expelled? It soon becomes clear that ‘Animalism' (which bears a striking resemblance to communism) is a system that cannot be maintained the way originally intended. The morals that, at first, rule on the farm become controls. The animals effectively split themselves into ‘classes'. This class splitting becomes accepted as normal through a process of Hegemony . As described by Raymond Williams, hegemony is a form of social control that becomes accepted as ‘normal' after becoming the predominant influence. Indeed the notion of hegemony is closely related to a concept developed by the French Marxist Louis Althusser. Althusser's theory of Ideological Structures becomes hugely relevant when applied to Orwell's political satire. These Ideological structures are effectively institutions that prevent the masses causing a revolution. In the case of religion for instance, a Marxist would suggest that it prevents a revolution by imposing the notion that you will be rewarded in the ‘after-life', for all you put up with in this life. The manor in which religion is depicted in Animal Farm leads one to think that Orwell was not a particularly religious man, and in this instance at least he would have agreed with Marx's views on the subject. Here religion is portrayed through the aptly named Moses, the raven. Moses refuses to listen to the rebellious speech given by Old Major, though later preaches about a magical place for all animals called ‘Sugar Candy Mountain'. In Animal Farm the pigs work hard to convince the other animals that ‘Sugar Candy Mountain' (heaven) does not exist, though, significantly, this is done before the rebellion takes place. This shows a slightly hypocritical side to Marx's work because after the rebellion takes place the pigs are keen to enforce their own ideology on to the other animals (proletariat), leading to the important question ‘Is the will of the people also transferred to their leader†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ In this instance the answer seems to be a resounding ‘No'. However on second reading, it could be argued that, up until the very climax of the book, the animals actually get what they want. One gets the impression that in offering a true Marxist critique of the book, it is actually the case that the animals do achieve their top priority; ousting man. In this sense they do become free (from man at least) and it is only their subsequent inability to grasp the prospect of equality that leads to another regime of dictatorship. Although at the same time it cannot be argued that the majority of the animals (or the ‘masses' as they appropriately refer to themselves) are treated fairly. Evidence of this can be found in the extract of the book I have largely chosen to focus my attentions on (appendix one), where from the outset the animals, in my opinion, are treat worse than ever before. As a result of the revolution that took place on the farm the animals, excluding the pigs, presume that the luxuries that were once taken away from them, such as milk and apples, would be shared equally among the group, however this is not the case: (p. 23) You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege. Many of us actually dislike milk and apples†¦ milk and apples (this has been proven by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of the pig. We pigs are brainworkers. (Appendix one) Consequently the animals find themselves in a state of confusion. Their situation, they are constantly reassured, is better than before. They now live under their original ideal of animalism, they are told. This can be closely related to the theory of ‘Carbonarism', which was identified as having been created under the Italian Communist Party (1921-43). The theory is largely based around the recurring tendency to distract the masses from the ‘real' (or perhaps relevant) problems that were occurring under communist rule. In reality the animals are living under a harsh dictatorship, under the veil of animalism. Engels refers to this as an illusion of democracy. By creating this illusion of democracy the ruling class (Napoleon/Stalin) can ensure they stay in power, while everything will stay ‘natural' to the proletariat. Indeed this illusion of democracy is further emphasized when the animals are asked questions by the pigs; questions to which there can be only one possible reply. In a sense the rhetorical questions act as a tool to reinforce the false class-consciousness: It is for your sake that we pigs drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed our duty? Jones would come back! Surely comrades†¦ surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back? (p. 23) Althusser calls this Interpellation. A process where by a person is made to feel like they have a choice, when actually the ‘choice' does not exist. Peter Barry offers an example: ‘You can have any colour you like†¦ as long as it's black' Animal Farm can also be linked to another theory. The German philosopher Friedrich Hegel offered the notion that contrasting ideas can be bring about new situations, this is known as the dialectic. Thus, a process whereby ‘contradictions are inherent to its structure' becomes particularly relevant when discussing Animal Farm. Hegel's dialectic was constructed around three key concepts: the thesis, the antithesis and the resolution. What Karl Marx did was effectively reinterpret Hegel's work and relate it to his own concepts based on class struggle. Thus, Hegel's thesis becomes Marx's ‘the way things are'; Hegel's antithesis became ‘the conflict' and the resolution, or the ideal, communism. This process is known as ‘dialectical Marxism'. However, what Hegel or Marx failed to anticipate was the collapse of their ideal, once it became accepted (‘the way things are). Indeed, I contend that Hegel's dialectic was a process fuelled by repetition. In other words, it will continue a ‘natural' process through the stages until the resolution is reached and when the resolution fails, it will start again. This undoubtedly is the case in Animal Farm, where once the animals achieve the goal, they slip back into Hegel's thesis. In terms of offering a Marxist reading, the era in which the book was written and, significantly, published is very important and relevant to Orwell's satire. Animal Farm was written in 1943 (the end of communist Russia), but not published until after the end of the Second World War in 1945. Indeed at such a historical moment in time, I believe that a Marxist would see Orwell as a product of the society in which he was raised, and therefore the book becomes the ‘bi-product'. Too add weight to this argument, the dominant ideologies at work at the time the book was written suggest Orwell had capitalist ideals at heart. However, George Orwell was an active socialist. He did strongly oppose the views of Karl Marx and was not impressed with the idea of communism, but he was equally opposed to the idea of capitalism. Therefore I believe that Animal Farm should not be regarded as the ‘bi-product' of the distinctly capitalist society Orwell was a part of. Instead I argue that Animal Farm is the consequence of such a system in which Orwell was expected to conform. This would perhaps explain why it took so long to get published; society (capitalists and Marxists) was weary.

National health care policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

National health care policy - Essay Example As such, the White Paper, Our health, our care, our say: A new direction for community service (Department of Health, 2006a) aims to put in place the structure required to achieve these goals. Importantly, this particular health policy identifies and explains a comprehensive and integrated framework to adapt community health and social care services to the UK community of the 21st century (Thomas, 2005). Ultimately, the document seeks to support a patient-centred approach and in doing so increase the standards of quality service across the national health system. The integration of health delivery services will enable the diverse range of care organisations to provide convenient, comfortable and high-value care that will meet the communities immediate, and long-term needs. This paper aims to critically review the social health care policy of Our health, our care, our say in regards to the contribution of nursing. Firstly, the White Paper shall be more fully described. Secondly, the political, financial and social drives behind this policy shall be identified. Thirdly, the concept of clinical governance shall be explained. Next, the tensions between health care providers and the users of these services briefly outlined. The roles and skills required of nurses within the integrated NHS will then be established. And the roles of other multi-disciplines and agencies shall be provided. Finally, a conclusion shall reiterate the main arguments and show the vital need for nurses to support the implementation of this White Paper.Our health, our care, our say: A new direction for community service The White Paper, Our health, our care, our say, is part of the NHS plan to create a world-class health and social-care system (Department of Health, 2006a). This document is just one element of the present Government's long-term and nation-wide reform programme to provide services that place the patient at the centre of the healing process, rather than the traditional model that has required the patient to fit with the services available. The framework provisions the patient and other end-users of health care services, with more control. Also, the policy makes services more responsive to the needs of the community, especially people who require more complex care plans, as well as to enable services to be accessed at amore local level, by way of integrating the diverse service providers available. An example of some of the services within the community that will be integrated include: home-care and other health visitors, GPs and family planning centres, day and short-break centres, m ental health agencies, family planning and pharmacies, meals on wheels and social workers, general and community hospitals, PCTs and local council authorities. Overall, the changes enable better value for public money, as a procedure that occurs in primary care can be up to one-third of the cost of secondary care.The legislation sets new standards for an integrated delivery of health and social care services to the community (Department of Health, 2006b). The NHS has determined that integration is a critical way to reduce the waste of resources whilst providing a standardized approach to service delivery across the nation. In July, 2002, it was determined that funding for health and social care resources would be pooled to encourage the diverse range of service providers to establish partnerships

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

As WWII unfolded, which enemy posed the greater threat to American Essay

As WWII unfolded, which enemy posed the greater threat to American interests, Germany or Japan - Essay Example continued for six long years and ended with the victory of the Allies (England, America and France) and the complete defeat of the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) leaving infamous blurs on the very face of humanity in general and the warring countries in particular. â€Å"World War II†, the writer submits, â€Å"fundamentally changed national institutions and behavior, immensely affecting most Americans; history’s greatest armed conflict proved as much a turning point in personal lives as in world affairs.† (782) As soon as the WWII came to an end, all the three countries belonging to the Axis Powers i.e. Germany, Italy and Japan were the losers among which Italy had already surrendered before the Allies and its dictator Bantu Mussolini had been executed. It is therefore both Germany and Japan were the only sufferers which had to undergo severe trials, strict banishments, indescribable humiliation and vast destruction. Heavy war indemnity and harsh terms and conditions had been inflicted and imposed upon the two losing countries pushing their masses in despair and losses in men and material. Germany was divided into two parts with the construction of the Berlin Wall; the western part was under the sway of the USA, the UK and France, while the eastern part of Germany was administered by Russia. Thus passion for revenge from Germany could be scared and expected by the Allies, especially the USA in future. Similarly, America has dropped atomic bombs on two of the Japanese cities Nagasaki and Hi roshima in August 1945 causing millions of lives into death and destruction. It is therefore revenge could also be expected from Japanese nation. Hence, the two losing countries were considered as the permanent threat for America in the future years to come. Before the beginning of the World War II, the notion of militarism had got its way all over the globe. Germany’s Nazi party under the dynamic leadership of Adolf Hitler was determined to dominate the world in order